Professional Women's Network Buzz Aug 2016

August 27, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Once again, Cecilia Tristán gave a wonderful presentation. She reviewed various points of her previous talk about the rights of employees AND employers according to the labor laws of Costa Rica. This month’s talk focused on the employment of maids which has some similar points but also different scenarios and laws that were better reviewed as a separate talk.
The talk then moved onto to the labor laws concerning hiring professionals in Costa Rica when your company is based in the USA and other labor rules we have to understand.
As we neared our end time we realized that this would take a whole other meeting to cover! We will be inviting Cecelia next year as we are already lining up a roster of speakers for the coming year!
Comments from our attendees:
Complying with the law would be cheaper. Important information about maid’s work.
Ideas – great presentation. Great handout – loads of good questions and answers
Fabulous! Very knowledgeable, humanistic. Very helpful, pleasant, accessible.
Thank you Cecilia Tristán. To contact Cecilia Here is her information:
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Door Prize
Victoria Schwarz, owner of Living Luxury for Peanuts AirBNB house in Escazu, graciously donated a free weekend in her luxurious home with breakfast! Before the announcement of the winner, attendee Ileana Borbon said to Victoria she would like more information and then she won the prize!

CLICK HERE for more information on these beautiful accommodations. Victoria is also an amazing masseuse.

Professional Women's Network Buzz Aug 2016 2

Door prizes are an important way to share your business and services. We all know Costa Rica works by word of mouth. When you give potential clients an opportunity to try your products it can open up a world of opportunities.

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Sept 10, 2016 Speaker: Sara Basloe

Our networking expert, and founder of

Relationship and Appreciation Marketing

Three Learning Points
1. Why Relationship Marketing is important to the health and growth of your business.
2. The Secret Sauce in Referral Marketing.
3. What are the 3 Principles of Relationship Marketing.
Professional Women's Network Buzz Aug 2016 3
Sara Basloe is proud to be a Coach of Life and Network Marketing Business builders. She works with people like you, from coast to coast, overseas and from every walk of life and interest.
Sara’s work focuses on helping individuals and business owners enjoy life, feel fulfilled, increase their bottom line, work fewer hours, and celebrate their success.
A nationally known Individual and Business Growth Strategist, Sara’s expertise comes from merging her personal growth work with business experience – 25 years as a marketing and sales professional with extensive experience in both wholesale and retail marketing and business to business development. She has motivated and worked with individuals and led successful teams, achieving bottom line goals. She has created, implemented and monitored personal growth programs and in business cost effective programs in all phases of product development, marketing and sales.
Sara has been a business consultant and trainer who has an MBA in Organization Behavior and is a graduate of The Coaches Training Institute as a Certified Professional Co-Active. A skilled problem solver, Sara is a “bottomless” well of resources/ideas, who keeps her clients focused on their goals.
She is a seminar and tele-class leader bringing programs to those who want to be more effective leaders, and wanting more time, organization and better health in their lives. Sara helps Network Marketing business builders to reach their personal and professional goals far more quickly than they could on their own.

Sept 10, 2016
Tin Jo

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