Sensory Healing Spices Workshop
Join us for this Workshop with Geri Brown, whereyou'll explore how spices like Ginger, Turmeric, andLemongrass can enhance your meals,reduce stress,and improve your health through a hands-ontasting experience.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our meeting in February with Dawn Drummer of Outlier Legal Services was extremely informative! Dawn came with a Power Point presentation, loads of important facts pertaining to documentation required for residency or citizenship and a witty sense of humor. She made a lot of facts fun.
I was thinking how much money you would have had to pay to have almost 2 hours with a lawyer to get even half of this information. Thank you Dawn for a well presented talk for our PWN members. We had three visitors as well, who came to acquire the facts, and we had plenty of time for questions and answers.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Please remember our membership is now due. $12,000 for 2017.
Payments are accepted in cash at our meetings or by personal electronic deposit at the following. Be sure to include your
name and “Membership 2017¨” on the deposit slip.
Account #200-01-084-029825-6
CC 15108420010298252
Laurel Francine Anderson
Cedula 184000585416
Upon paying your membership fee you will receive an email with a membership form and then you will receive a username and password to the exclusive membership website.
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]NO MEETING IN MARCH
PWN organizers are hard at work finding interesting qualified speakers to address many facets of starting, expanding and running businesses in Costa Rica.
Although we will not have a meeting in March, nor in April due to scheduling coming in conflict with the Easter Week vacation time, we will keep in touch with our speaker calendar and any workshops that are being developed.
Look forward to these speakers and subjects on the calendar.
May 6, 2017 Jean Hanshu Tapping and Stress Relief in the Workplace
One of our personal growth workshops that will help in work and life.
June 3, 2017 Mie Madrigal & Kathy Rothschild Budgeting and Accounting for Small Business
One of our more practical workshops. Remember there is always a question and answer period so this will be a great opportunity to bring your questions!
July 8, 2017 Cecilia Tristán The Legalities of Residents Working in Costa Rica.
Back by popular demand, Cecilia always brings vital information to the meeting. This time about foreigners working in Costa Rica, either from home companies or Costa Rica companies, their rights and responsibilities.
Mark the dates!
More information to follow about where PWN is allocating funds collected and updates about our Kiva recipients.
Let’s keep in touch on Facebook![/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
for members contact and business information, past speakers and resources, our event calendar, how to become a speaker, and more!
The Professional Women’s Network of Costa Rica is dedicated to guiding and empowering women through educating, networking, mentoring, and friendship – to love the life they live and create a life they love!
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023