Professional Women's Network Buzz – Special Membership & Christmas Fair 2015

March 15, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hello to all of you, Professional Women’s Network of Costa Rica is officially opening their membership starting November 14, 2015.
Membership for 2016 for PWNCR is 12,000 for the year.
Benefits include exclusive access to our membership website.  Members will be listed by name and by business with clickable links to your website, blog post, Facebook Fan Page or wherever you want to direct potential clients.
The website will have an event calendar, and information about our projects.
Members will vote on where PWNCR will direct funds collected towards scholarships, Kiva, or institutions that support women in business.
Member s will pay 3,000 at our monthly speaker events and non -members will pay 4,000.
Members of PWN will be eligible for PWN business fairs and ability to offer door prizes as a way to promote their business.
Members will be able join the PWN Private Facebook Group for interaction and support.
We will be collecting memberships at the speaker event in TinJo, Saturday Nov. 14, 2015.
Members can also be transferred to the following Banco Nacional Account
Account #200-01-084-029825-6
CC 15108420010298252
Laurel Francine Anderson
Cedula 184000585416
Upon paying your membership fee you will receive an email with a membership form and then you will receive a username and password to the exclusive membership website.
We look forward to an exciting year where we will learn, grow, network, give and receive support to do fabulous things in 2016![/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Participate in our First Annual Christmas Fair
Professional Women's Network Buzz - Special Membership & Christmas Fair 2015 1
On Saturday, December 12th we will be having a small Holiday Fair at Tin Jo after we celebrate the progress we have made this past year in our business/personal lives! This has been a dream of ours, as we have always wanted to be able to promote the businesses of our members. The vendors will be members only, and will be able to keep all of their profits. If this fair is successful, we hope to have larger fairs in the future.
We have openings for 2 – 3 more vendors. If you are interested, please contact Helen Griffin
The present vendors are:
Sibu Chocolate – The same chocolatiers who were mobbed at our first meeting as an independent organization! Once again they will be offering samples (yum). The prices will range from C2,000 – 13,000 with special seasonal packaging available. Orders can be made ahead of time by seeing the available products at and emailing the order to They will accept credit cards.
Professional Women's Network Buzz - Special Membership & Christmas Fair 2015 2
Adele Lune – Will supply aromatherapy products. Prices range from $17 up to $200+ including aromatherapy sets. The website is or Advance orders can be sent to Credit cards are accepted.
Laurel Anderson – Laurel’s Originals – Art on Canvas totes, bags and rugs (the rugs are beautiful and most important of all…puppy proof). See her fine products at Advance orders can be made via
Sara Basloe – Fine greeting cards of all types. Cards range from $0.93 to $2.64 with gifts ranging from $2 to $200. Please see the website at Her email address for questions would be
We will also be offering a table for Service Certificates. If you have a service you wish to sell, please contact Helen Griffin[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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