Professional Women's Network Buzz February 2016

June 18, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Something was in the air, or on the roads as many of our registered attendees struggled to make it to the meeting. We did hold up the meeting for an unprecedented delay in hopes more would be able to attend.
The meeting with Danielle Hart was well worth the wait.
LinkedIn is the third most used social marketing tool and the first in results for professionals.
Danielle took us step by step on how to set up a personal profile, which is the precursor to creating a professional profile.
LinkedIn provides the ability to create a profile resembling a website. You can post photos and blog posts, list all your work experience, hobbies, interests, organizations to provide a well-rounded view of your professional presence.
By using keywords other professionals in your field can find you. You can create a group to lead discussions and join other groups to make your presence stand out in your field.
Danielle explained we all have our own personality, and the important thing is to express ourselves with an authentic voice. In this way we build trust and relationships.
The presentation slides can be found on this link:
Danielle also provided many resources such as books, links and Training which we will post on our website.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Door Prize
This month’s door prize was a beautiful picture frame donated by Barbara Freeman. Thank you Barbara!
Professional Women's Network Buzz February 2016 1
Door prizes are an important way to share your business and services. We all know Costa Rica works by word of mouth. When you give potential clients an opportunity to try your products it can open up a world of opportunities.



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