by Mimi Mudd | May 17, 2019 | Recap
Women Winning in Business PWNCR Meeting May 11, 2019 The PWNCR’s first annual Open House event took place Saturday, May 11. It was received by a lively and engaged crowd. Attendees were popping up out of their seats to share or comment on the presentation...
by PWNCR | Apr 14, 2019 | Recap
Nicole Gamboa Animal rescue was the focus of Nicole Gamboa’s presentation at the PWNCRmeeting in April. Nicole is the owner of StarBoxCR, a logistics company that manages international shipping and purchases made through the internet. After founding a successful...
by PWNCR | Mar 21, 2019 | Recap
Professional Women´s Network of Costa Rica Event: Saturday, March 9th Jody Steiger gave us a riveting presentation about the arts and their effect on students and the world. Jody discussed the work of the foundation over which she presides, AcciónArte. The foundation...
by PWNCR | Mar 4, 2019 | Recap
There were 6 attendees, 3 members and 3 visitors. 7 stayed for lunch, including the speaker. Tin Jo did a wonderful job of setting up as usual. Laurel gave a wonderful thought provoking presentation about the law of attraction. Although I have studied it, even I...
by PWNCR | Mar 4, 2019 | Recap
We had 4 members and 6 visitors attend for a total of 10 attendees. All 10 filled out the questionnaires. When I arrived at 9 AM, the room was beautifully set up with the two circles I requested, and all the normal side tables. The coffee and tea were waiting for me...
by PWNCR | Mar 4, 2019 | Recap
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We had 11 attendees for this meeting. 8 of us stayed for lunch and the plates were wiped clean! Laurel gave a wonderful presentation with valuable tips. Full presentation in the link below:...