Sensory Healing Spices Workshop
Join us for this Workshop with Geri Brown, whereyou'll explore how spices like Ginger, Turmeric, andLemongrass can enhance your meals,reduce stress,and improve your health through a hands-ontasting experience.
This months meeting was a lively event combining learning to do your corporate taxes for Costa Rica and a Craft Fair! We’re nothing if not versatile!
Laurel Anderson of, http://laurelsoriginals.com/, Adele Lurie of https://www.mydoterra.com/alur/#/, Tanya Monestel of http://winenlightenment.com/, presented their products as well as Gretchen Trueting with her beautiful handmade books.
Thank you Mie Madrigal for your informative and comforting talk as you helped us wind our way through Costa Rica law, a dry subject delivered with humor and grace.
The Professional Women’s Network of Costa Rica is dedicated to guiding and empowering women through educating, networking, mentoring, and friendship – to love the life they live and create a life they love!
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023