Professional Women's Network Buzz November 2015

March 15, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]November’s speaker Michale Gabriel gave us a very enlightening talk about dressing for success. Yes, we “shouldn’t” be judged by our outer appearance, but first impressions may open or close a door before a potential client will even choose to know the inner you!
“When you go out into the world you are representing yourself and your business” Michale shared. “We should purchase items that become us, enhances our image and represents our authentic self.”
“I liked the part about telling stories that re-imagine experiences that powerfully send the message I want to share.” said one attendee.
Other lessons learned as commented on by attendees:
1. Dress for our customer without losing yourself.
2. Dress matters.
3. Re-assessing my wardrobe to suit my story.
4. Thank you Michale for this truly enlightening talk that fostered a lot of thinking for all of us! I’m sure we all went home to reassess our wardrobes![/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Door Prize
This month’s door Prize was a gift bottle of dōTerra On Guard Essential Oil, from Mae Worth, WorthITEssentials. Contact Mae through her email at if you want to learn more about these incredible essential oils.

Thank you for your generous gift Mae.

Door prizes are an important way to share your business and services. We all know Costa Rica works by word of mouth. When you give potential clients an opportunity to try your products it can open up a world of opportunities.



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