Professional Women's Network Buzz Oct 2016

October 24, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Juanita Dimas gave a detailed, fascinating presentation of the reasons for using, how to find and how to choose a psychologist in Costa Rica. I couldn’t believe how close the U.S.A. and Costa Rica were in the charts for reasons for death, etc. She made clear the role that stress plays in our life, both for the good and the bad. She also explained the differences in academic degrees needed in the two countries and how to be able to get authorization to practice in Costa Rica with U.S. degrees.
As it was a small group, we got plenty of individualized answers and the enjoyment continued into lunch.
Number one take-away:
Shop around for a good therapist that works for your needs.
Differences between U.S.A. and Costa Rica.
Soon we’ll be posting the slide show from Juanita’s presentation. Look for it on our Events tab in[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Nov 19, 2016 Speaker:
Andreamarta Montero Sánchez

Do it Yourself Tips to Increase Your Net Worth
How social platforms are the new paradigm’s way to communicate to your community.
Learn why vulnerability is so important and one of the core bases in networking.
Professional Women's Network Buzz Oct 2016 1
Andrea Marta Montero Sánchez, Psychology graduate candidate of Fidelitas University.
Pioneer in Costa Rica in the area of digital communications, specifically in the creation and dissemination of content on the use of social media as a leveraging strategy and the expansion of the collective consciousness, from a holistic perspective.
From 2013 onwards,Andreamarta has adopted an important role in the diffusion of projects, lectures, workshops and conferences on issues approached from the new consciousness paradigm. Some of the issues include the use of social media as a means of communication and the establishment of relationships, integrative/ alternative therapies, approach and management of emotions and stress, Law of Attraction, development of human potential, aromatherapy, meditation and others.
Consecutive and simultaneous interpreter, specializing in medicine – specifically in pediatrics. Her career in this area includes Language Line Services, Pacific Interpreters and freelance engagements for holistic workshops, such as conferences and lectures by Dr. Gary Young on Young Living; Christina Sell and Saul David Raye with Yoga Lamat and David Wolfe.
Andreamarta offers sessions in various formats, from an individual approach, as well as in groups, in person or online, including Holistic Movement as well as Coaching for goal- based work using intuitive and energy self- healing tools, to activate the Law of Attraction and design the desired lifestyle, and in the best state of well- being possible.
Come and Meet Andreamarta
Holistic Therapist and Coach, specializing in D.E.I. Integral Energy Diagnostic (for its initials in Spanish), the Kinesiology of Consciousness.
Reiki Usui Instructor, founder of Existencia Holística: the holistically oriented entrepreneurs, where the “Global Conversations: Conscience and Energy” is created.
Hatha Yoga and Meditation Teacher, currently developing a body self- regulation proposal called “Holistic Movement”.
Mastermind Technique expert facilitator for the management of groups and Jennifer Hoffman’s Soul Healing and Energy Template Re- Calibration.

Nov 19, 2016
Tin Jo

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are open for memberships for 2017.
Join us for our Year end Celebration December 10, 2016. This meeting is all about YOU and your wins in 2016. We loved the activities last year. They were wonderful for creating clarity and excitement for the coming year.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


The 12,000 payment for 2016 be transferred to the following Banco Nacional Account

Account #200-01-084-029825-6
CC 15108420010298252
Laurel Francine Anderson
Cedula 184000585416

Upon paying your membership fee you will receive an email with a membership form and then you will receive a username and password to the exclusive membership website.



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