Sensory Healing Spices Workshop
Join us for this Workshop with Geri Brown, whereyou'll explore how spices like Ginger, Turmeric, andLemongrass can enhance your meals,reduce stress,and improve your health through a hands-ontasting experience.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have been asked for more meetings with inspirational stories of women in business. Subarna Gupta, author of Sheroes Next Door- When Ordinary Women Make Extraordinary Resolve certainly answered the call.
Subarna shared her own story of immigrating to Canada from India the day before 9/11 and the repercussions of working and making a business after that day.
We’ve heard many stories of struggle about people who are now immensely successful and wealthy. These stories may seem out of touch with our reality and that is why Subarna wanted to share stories of the woman next door and what she has had to go through to create the business and life she loves.
“You have no idea who you are inspiring.” says Subarna about all of us.
We also heard from Shauna Kathleen who was included in Subarna’s book and she graciously shared her personal story.
Attendees said they took away wonderful insights.
“Don’t live in the past and destroy your future. You can always do a little more””
“Always there will be a need to ‘recharge’ Create a Gratitude Journal.”
“Learn something new every day.”
Here are some of the contact links for Subarna Gupta. To purchase her book on Amazon CLICK HERE
Website: www.SubarnaGupta.com
YouTube: Subarna Gupta
Facebook: Onwards Journey[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Door Prize
This month’s door prize was a gift of mugs with from Karin Hoad director of Animals of Assisi
We also received a potted flower from Ulrike Weiskorn our intrepid mosaic artist.
Thank you both for adding these fun gifts for our door prize drawing.
Door prizes are an important way to share your business and services. We all know Costa Rica works by word of mouth. When you give potential clients an opportunity to try your products it can open up a world of opportunities.
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Snacks were a real treat this meeting. Phylliss Crist brought a gluten free banana cake. She was asked to provide the recipe CLICK HERE.
Also Vanessa Chavez brought pastry delights as well as cookies with our PWN logo!
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The 12,000 payment for 2016 be transferred to the following Banco Nacional Account
Account #200-01-084-029825-6
CC 15108420010298252
Laurel Francine Anderson
Cedula 184000585416
Upon paying your membership fee you will receive an email with a membership form and then you will receive a username and password to the exclusive membership website.
The Professional Women’s Network of Costa Rica is dedicated to guiding and empowering women through educating, networking, mentoring, and friendship – to love the life they live and create a life they love!
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023