Sensory Healing Spices Workshop
Join us for this Workshop with Geri Brown, whereyou'll explore how spices like Ginger, Turmeric, andLemongrass can enhance your meals,reduce stress,and improve your health through a hands-ontasting experience.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The only way to get what you want is to know what you really want.
The only way to know what you really want is to know yourself.
The only way to know yourself is to be yourself.
And the only way to be yourself is to listen to your heart. – unknown
Nancy Nelson has been helping people navigate the transition from work to retirement, but her talk last Saturday helped all of us in our many stages of life. These words are important to anyone starting a new phase in life whether it’s going into retirement to starting a new business.
By reflecting on our strengths and values we can move toward the life we want based on what we want to do and how we like to do it.
Members shared:
I appreciated the phrase: “Take a chance, try something and if it doesn’t work adjust.”
I learned its ok to try something new and adjust it on the way.
The importance of where friends come from – who are most important or not.
As promised here are some important links Nancy shared in her presentation.
Nancy’s website: www.beyondenough.org
Retiree interview questions: http://beyondenough.org/interview-questions/
Worksheets: http://beyondenough.org/free-worksheets/
Clifton Strengths Finder assessment: www.gallupstrengthscenter.com
Information on why connections/relationships are important:
Here are some links for helping to make new connections.
Join special interest club:
www.meetup.com[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Door Prize
Thank you Vanessa Chaves for creating this month’s door prize, the PWN logo on a coffee cup and a T shirt. Laurel Anderson was the thrilled recipient who won these prizes, taking the shirt for herself and giving the coffee cup to Helen Griffith.
Door prizes are an important way to share your business and services. We all know Costa Rica works by word of mouth. When you give potential clients an opportunity to try your products it can open up a world of opportunities.
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The 12,000 payment for 2016 be transferred to the following Banco Nacional Account
Account #200-01-084-029825-6
CC 15108420010298252
Laurel Francine Anderson
Cedula 184000585416
Upon paying your membership fee you will receive an email with a membership form and then you will receive a username and password to the exclusive membership website.
The Professional Women’s Network of Costa Rica is dedicated to guiding and empowering women through educating, networking, mentoring, and friendship – to love the life they live and create a life they love!
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023
What’s happening this month with PWNCR? – May 2023