Professional Women’s Network Buzz March 2019

March 21, 2019

Professional Women´s Network of Costa Rica Event:

Saturday, March 9th

Jody Steiger gave us a riveting presentation about the arts and their effect on students and the world.

Jody discussed the work of the foundation over which she presides, AcciónArte. The foundation coordinates the Piensa en Arte (Think with Art) program which helps children develop their public speaking skills and ability to articulate through observing works of art.
Piensa en Arte is carried out in partnership with the public school system of Costa Rica. It equips elementary school teachers with a methodology for examining specific works of art with their class. The methodology is specifically designed to cultivate confidence in the students by empowering them to speak in a group and articulate their own observations of each work of art.
Piensa en Arte has been a resounding success for over a decade and currently impacts around 250,000 students. It is now a required, official part of the Spanish Language program for all public schools in Costa Rica.
For more information about the program Piensa en Arte, volunteer inquiries, or to make a donation to the foundation AcciónArte please send your emails to You can also contact Jody directly at

The Buzz About the Event

There were a total of 19 attendees at the presentation. They rated it an average of 4.4 out of 5 in terms of its networking, business, and personal value.

A few of the takeaways attendees shared after the presentation:

  • Insight into programs being applied at Costa Rican schools and “Alternative” methods of teaching
  • The importance of the Arts in education and business
  • How to teach soft skills
  • Using the arts to enhance communication
  • Applying the lesson of Art in everything in daily life issues

 “I love the way we all introduced ourselves…it made it easier to remember everyone!”
“I loved the talk and the company.”
“Excellent job, Jody – inspiring…Hopeful a true cultural transformation!”
“First time and loved it.”

Thank You for Contributing, Jody!

At the end of the meeting, Jody was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation created by Gretchen Treuting, graphic designer ( ). She also received another year of PWNCR membership when her current year expires. Like all our speakers, Jody was treated to lunch at Tin Jo where she continued the conversation with the other 12 members who stayed after the meeting.

Laurel Passed on the Presidency

Gretchen also presented a special Certificate of Appreciation to Laurel Anderson ( ) for her three years of service as President of the PWNCR. Laurel then introduced the Incoming President, Andrea Minicola, who donated this month’s door prize: one month of professional English or Spanish language classes by Speakhabla ( ). Member Gabriela Halfin won the prize, valued at $200.


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Social Responsibility Creates Relationships and Impacts Customer’s Buying DecisionsProfessional Women’s Network Buzz March 2019 3

Saturday, April 6

9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Tin Jo Restaurant in San Jose

The business-to-customer relationship is fundamental to building a successful company. On April 6, Nicole Gamboa of StarBox Costa Rica will discuss how implementing a social responsibility policy in your business can impact the buying decisions of your customers. During the presentation, Nicole will explain how building a relationship on social responsibility with customers and their communities can lead to increased sales and rising profits.
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